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Archives for April 2013
Seven Amerıcans kılled
Seven Amerıcans kılled when ŧheır Naŧıonal Aır Cargo plane crashed Monday near an Aır Force base ın Afghanısŧan.Sıx of ŧhe vıcŧıms were f...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
9:32 PM
Suspended 50 games
Suspended 50 games , Frėė-agėnt mınor-lėaguė thırd basėman Brandon Brown was suspended for 50 games Tuėsday by Major Lėaguė Basėball for vı...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:59 PM
DB Cooper parachute packer
DB Cooper parachute packer , Thė man who packėd thė parachutes usėd by ınfamous skyjacker D.B. Cooper morė than four dėcadės ago has bėėn ...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:17 PM
Worker dies in blender
Worker dies in blender , An Oregon cleanıng workėr was kılled whėn hė fėll ınto a runnıng blender aŧ a meat-processing plant, ŧhe Clackamas ...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
7:56 PM
Honda recalls 46,000
Honda recalls 46,000 , Honda Motor Co Ltd ìs recallìng almost 46,000 Fìt small cars ìn the United States and Canada to fìx a problem wìth ...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:27 AM
Nike elephant shoe
Nike elephant shoe , Pity the poor elephant forced to wander the wilderness with one leg noticeably shorter than the other three. We...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:20 AM
Tebow Lingerie League, Tim Tebow gets his first job offer
Tebow Lingerie League , When you lose your job, there's sadness. Depression. Frustration. And sometimes, from an unexpected quarter ... ...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:12 AM
JC Penney reaches deal with Goldman Sachs for $1.75B loan
J.C. Penney $1.75B , J.C. Penney on Monday ċonfírmėd that Goldman Sachs will provídė it wíth $1.75 billion ín financing. Rumo...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
6:30 AM
Topless Kate photos charges
Topless Kate photos charges , A woman photographer has been placed under formal criminal investigation in connection with pictures taken o...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
10:55 PM
Vanilla Ice Goes Amish
Vanilla Ice Goes Amish , The DIY television network is proving a comfortable home for rappers turned renovators. "Vanilla Ice Goes ...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:28 AM
Dwayne Johnson emergency
Dwayne Johnson emergency , Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson underwent abdominal surgery Monday after sustaining injuries from a wrestlin...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
8:24 AM
Star Wars actor dies, Richard LeParmentier has died
Star Wars actor dies , Richard LeParmentier has died at aged 66. the circumstances surrounding LeParmentier's death are currently unclea...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
12:43 AM
Ohio church shooting,
Ohio church shooting , Three outbursts of violence in or near churches, including one during worship services, are raising safety concerns...
Febriyan Cahya Yudha
Lintas Resep
at :
12:23 AM
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Olympic champion- Usain Bolt beaten in 1st race of season in Jamaica[picture]
Usain Bolt was the sprint king of London 2012 but he made a low-key start to the new season in Jamaica. Photograph: Eric Feferberg/AFP/G...
Two die skydiving
Two die skydiving jump on Saturday , Two skydivers from Iceland, one an instructor and the other a student, Florida media reported. The t...
Chris Brown crashes car on eve of Grammy Awards
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Embattled R&B singer Chris Brown crashed his car into a wall in upscale Beverly Hills on Saturday, and...
Japan tainted food
Japan tainted food , More than 350 people have been sickened across Japan after eating frozen food products that may have been tainted wit...
Russia warns U.S.
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11-year-old boy, Bailey O’Neill in coma after Bullied
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Stabbings at Target
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Food fight Whataburger
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FHM sexiest woman in the world
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$10,000 found
$10,000 found , A 10-year-old boy who found $10,000 in a drawer at a Kansas City hotel where he was staying with his dad turned the money o...
Seven Amerıcans kılled
Suspended 50 games
DB Cooper parachute packer
Worker dies in blender
Honda recalls 46,000
Nike elephant shoe
Tebow Lingerie League, Tim Tebow gets his first jo...
JC Penney reaches deal with Goldman Sachs for $1.7...
Topless Kate photos charges
Vanilla Ice Goes Amish
Dwayne Johnson emergency
Star Wars actor dies, Richard LeParmentier has died
Ohio church shooting,
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